Friday, November 16, 2007

Hey there's The Loin!

b-Ling, So You Think You’re Smarter Than The New All-Beef Cruncharito, Only At Taco Bell, Adventures of Sea Beast & His Wily Gang of Cowboys, Jason's Big Gay Blog, OccAzn, The Sting of Ling...Thanks for all of your blog name suggestions. I may have found my title this past weekend at Jessica's wonderful Pre-Thanksgiving Pot Luck and Wii Party. With thanks to Jeff S., Jeff H. and Michael, I roasted a juicy pork loin. "The Loin" was happily concieved at it's unvailing at the party and I'm running with it.

So I'm starting this blog because Eric says I should, and I do everything Eric says (seriously, everything). I think the idea is to let you into the events that shape my social life in the city. I think I have a good grasp of the city and if you want to join me, I'll do the research so you don't have to. Please look forward to infrequent, carefully-crafted posts.

The Loin has spoken...

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